Disproving claims against Zrcalo

This Document is made to answer most claims people hold against Zrcalo.
It is made to be comprehensive, yet simple enough to understand for the layman.

The reason for these claims running around is due to an enemy of Zrcalo’s named “Dan” callout document
HERE  , and his ex boyfriend, “Oliver”. Callout document HERE .

The tl;dr is.. They want Zrcalo to “disappear” because they want to silence him. They will blackmail, threaten you, threaten your friends, threaten your family, dox you, and send mobs after you. Should you fear them? Probably not anymore. Just be careful.

All claims above are documented in the two documents against those individuals. This document is solely to disprove claims against Zrcalo alone. Thankyou!

Zoosadist Claims
Claim: “Zrcalo is a zoosadist!”

The event described in the screenshot to the right was when Zrcalo was about 16 years old, he shot a pigeon with a pellet gun and felt bad about it. This is a real event that occurred. This screenshot was used to “prove that zrcalo was a zoosadist”. Which it does the opposite of.

Zoosadists are people who get off sexually to the torture of animals. Feeling bad for what people would typically not bat an eye over, would prove quite the opposite of zoosadism.

Claim: “Zrcalo killed his pet birds for taxidermy!”


Seeing the previous slide, Why would Zrcalo admit in private DM’s that the only time he killed an animal for mounting reasons was a pigeon, when this post was public?

Simply put, he wanted to preserve his own pets that had passed away already. He was asking a very public taxidermy forum if freeze drying was a method of preservation.

Please note the date is
FROM 2006. Zrcalo was a teenager and could not afford to pay a professional.

Claim: “Zrcalo is a zoosadist!” False

Zrcalo went into farming and biology. He was in FFA (future farmers of america), and has achieved awards while he was in it.

He worked for the bio department at a college, and went into the field of biotechnology.

Necrophile Claims
“Zrcalo is a Necrophile because he does Taxidermy!”

Zrcalo worked at the biology study lab & Anatomy and Physiology study lab at Mesa Community College. They were working on a biotech degree and would help pre-med, nursing, biology, and marine bio students in the lab. He utilized what he learned through FFA with the wildlife CDE, and taxidermy to educate students and help them with their studies.  The taxidermy fox was made in the bio lab, and was a loved unofficial mascot for the bio department.

“Zrcalo is a Necrophile who made out with a dead fox!”

False!  Video 1   Video 2

The video used as “evidence” is a video showing off how my taxidermy fox was made and why he was made. He was originally a used scrap pelt (just the fur. Like you would see in a jacket) bought off ebay that did not have arms or legs or anything but a tail and two ears.

He is half fake fur and half real fur. He remains rigid via an internal wire so he can be posed. These videos are up on youtube.
There is no “making out”, nothing sexual, and nothing about “necrophilia” or “zoosadism”.
Taxidermists are not necrophiles or zoosadists.

The “Makeout” in Question is pictured above.

“Zrcalo runs a necro forum!”


Now this one’s just silly. People misread my post about “Necro-ing” threads on my fictionkin website. “Necro-ing” is in reference to necromancy. It means to revive a long dead thread.

Because people did not understand what “Necroing” was, people were accusing fictionkin.com of being a necrophile forum.
This is beyond false. You can look at the site in it’s entirety.

It is a website for Fictionkin. People who identify as fictional characters.
Fictionkin are NOT necrophiles. Taxidermists are NOT necrophiles.

“He taxidermied animal penises so people could use them as Dildos!”

People took a literal shitpost from 2010 on the furaffinity forums as literal.
It is physically impossible.

This is literally a fucking shitpost from 2010.

Nazi Claims

“Zrcalo’s a nazi”


If Zrcalo was still a nazi, then why would he have given up everything to run a pro-trans gimmick account where he got nothing but hate and flack on? Why would he have a youtube show dedicated to talking about transphobia? It doesn’t make sense.

“Zrcalo was a nazi in 2021” False

The literal first thing that was in the original callout post was a screenshot of zrcalo saying “the king is dead long live the king”.

It’s a phrase that means the old king is dead, and he’s saying long live the king to the new one.

You’re getting mad at him for saying “long live Joe Biden”

Your proof for Zrcalo being alt right is him saying “long live Joe Biden”

Helping Zoo/Pedo Claims

“Zrcalo is friends with Sappho”

Sappho actually blames Zrcalo for contacting the FBI.

She also blames him for running the evidence channel
OpValkyrie on telegram .

 A popular channel youtubers have referenced.

“Zrcalo helped Quantum”

Quantum (an actual necrozoosadist who fucked roadkill and hurt animals ) actually blames Zrcalo for getting arrested because he released his confession, which led to his arrest.

On top of that, the original callout document was written BY AN INDIVIDUAL WHO WORKED WITH ZRCALO TO EXPOSE QUANTUM.

She lied because she was hell bent on revenge. Slides below:

Quantum hated Zrcalo a LOT

Quantum actually blamed Zrcalo for him getting arrested.

Doxxing claims

“Zrcalo sent stuff to Dan’s house”

Dan was sent diapers and a collar by an unrelated individual, and admits they got an apology from that individual.

Zrcalo never sent stuff to Dan’s house.

Timestamps above prove it.

“Zrcalo doxxed IcyDude”
Nobody doxxed IcyDude.

He posted it in his own pinned tweet

“Zrcalo doxxed Dan”

Intelius is a well known account of Quantum Kitty, the necrophile/zoosadist. It is the first instance of a dox on Dan.

Dan was well aware she was doxxed by Quantum.

“Zrcalo likes Pedophiles because… The Rolling Stones?”

Do I even have to disprove this?

Grooming Claims

“Zrcalo groomed an 18 year old into dating him!”

This is one of the biggest claims and the reason why Zrcalo is labelled as a pedophile.

Yes, he was labelled as a pedophile for dating a grown ass legal adult.

The claims were that he “groomed” an 18 year old into “Dating him” when that 18 year old was 17. Logs Disprove this claim.

“Zrcalo groomed kids for FursonaPins”

This insane claim comes from an interrogation by a notorious individual on youtube that is known for their extreme harassment and who runs a discord server dedicated to harassment.

It was recorded by Zrcalo’s roomate (The Youtuber named CoyoteLovely) at the request of Zrcalo initially because it was framed as an “interview” and he knew the topic would be of an extremely triggering issue (Kiwifarms. Who contributed to the suicide of one of his friends)

He wanted it recorded so he could easily use the audio in his own videos without re-living the trauma over and over by retelling it each time. This video is of an
 extremely triggering nature, as the individual “interviewing” him begins screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs.

This causes Zrcalo to have a full blown panic attack and breakdown which made him extremely fearful of all voice calls for months.

It was such an extreme case, that Zrcalo’s old roommate (CoyoteLovely) who was on good terms with him at the time, rushed into the room to hug and comfort him due to the panic attack he was having.



“Zrcalo groomed kids for FursonaPins”

More about the video from Zrcalo:

“The lion avatar screamed and yelled. He interrogated me and said that a post on twitter I made where I asked “what did you learn in sex ed?” was grooming kids? There was a lot of people who replied to the thread, and I didn’t think it was bad. A teenager said their experiences in sex ed at their public school and I replied that it was the same. Evidently this is grooming kids or something.

I had a mental breakdown where I regressed.
I babbled about a company who makes enamel pins for various furries and how important these pins were to me. (this was FursonaPins)

These pins are what got me out of the bad alt-right circles I was in. I was extremely isolated and I discovered fursonapins, who made a bunch of LGBT pins. I participated in their chatrooms and that genuinely changed my perspective on things.

I was kicked out when I asked if I could commission my character with a polyamorous flag. The person recognized me as a member of altfurry.
After that incident, I knew things had to change.
I needed to show people I was a good person.




“I dont know why or how these things correlated with each other.

The only thing I can think of is the consistent attack over things that I enjoy (taxidermy, music, my accomplishments, etc). To cause further mental harm.

These people wanted me to kill myself. They targeted my friends and family as well.”




Abuser Claims

“Zrcalo abused Molly!”

Molly justifies the incessant harassment of Zrcalo’s friends, doxxing his family, making his friends suicidal, and supporting a sexual abuser because he printed her flag upside down and “lied to her”. But she is unable to tell people what that is at all.

“Zrcalo abused SpaceXmcKitty!”

SpacexMcKitty justifies running a channel that attacks Zrcalo, his friends, and others because she made Zrcalo suicidal and evidently that “Makes her look bad” because she runs “#OpStopSuicide” aka “operation stop suicide”.

Space has actually made one of Zrcalo’s friends nearly kill themselves with a gun pointed to their head (video was recorded).

Space blames her “abuse” on Zrcalo “faking feeling suicidal”, and “following a person on twitter who abused her” This person was never his friend, and how is he responsible for an unrelated person’s actions? She uses this as justification to continue what she’s doing.

These screenshots are what SpaceXMckitty uses as evidence that Zrcalo abused her.
It proves the exact opposite.

Zrcalo was bullied for being suicidal

Screenshots continued from previous page..

Multiple times over and over again, Zrcalo was genuinely suicidal and was incessantly mocked for this. It was not suicide baiting as these conversations were in dm’s between two individuals or recalled later.

Being bullied for.. Being suicidal… what the fuck.

“Zrcalo has victims who are minors!”

Literally where????? This keeps being thrown around that there’s some kind of unknown and unnamed minor victims out there. I cant find them, nor can I find anything about them or what their claims are.

But I did find this.. Someone evidently had a dream about me and evidently that makes them a victim of mine.

Their only time they interacted with me was “on an alt” and they messaged me to get my side of the story. I have no idea who this is.

“Zrcalo almost groomed a minor because the minor talked to keffals!”

There’s a video floating around where a person literally says that they were “Almost groomed by Zrcalo because I talked to Keffals and Keffals supports Zrcalo”.

I dont understand these people.
Video below:


In conclusion

A lot of these claims may sound absolutely ridiculous. You may ask, “Why did you even receive so much hate?” Well, these were the people spreading it:
                                  (Mystic Daneger is
Dan , and Psychotic Diaries is Oliver ) They are anti-furry and think all furries are sexual degenerates and just hate them. Thankyou for reading.

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Excuse me…. What?

“There’s so many claims like these that make no sense..
What can be presented without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
Please keep this in mind when someone comes to you saying I’ve done horrible things.”