Ls/Dog Mod’s Abuse
I made an account called ZoophileLs in December of 2021. It was an anti-zoophile gimmick account where I made fun of and exposed zoophiles. At the time I was 15 years old. I gained popularity very quickly and was thrown into a community I knew absolutely nothing about.
I made a group chat with other popular antis at the time. I was a kid and I wanted to network and these people were like celebrities to me. People like Zrcalo, Zoophobes, and Spacexmckitty were in this chat. In this chat, Austin founded the group RZAF.
The pro-recovery stance in relation to paraphilias emphasizes the importance of seeking treatment and support for individuals who experience these sexual interests or behaviors.
Without treatment, paraphilias can lead to a range of negative consequences. Seeking treatment can help individuals with paraphilias manage their condition and prevent harm to themselves or others.
I co-founded a pro-recovery group called RZAF with Toyshark, Austin, and Bryan. However, I later discovered that both Austin and Bryan, who had claimed to be adults, were actually minors. Toyshark was always upfront about being 16 years old.
My age
In my younger and more naive years, I made the mistake of claiming to be 18 years old when I was actually 15, just so I could access a Twitter space that provided drama updates. However, when my account gained popularity, I became fearful of the potential consequences of being honest about my age, and so I continued with the lie. While I did tell a few people that I was a minor in the early days of the account, it soon became an open secret within the community. Many prominent figures in the community were aware of my true age, and there were even tweets with nearly 100 likes announcing it. The issue continued to be a topic of conversation for a year, highlighting the impact of my poor decision. Looking back, I regret the decision to lie and have learned from the experience.
RZAF was a mistake
It attracted the eyes of predators like Sappho and Oliver. We banned Sappho of course, she was never approved into the general server.
Oliver had claimed to have recovered from being a zoosadist, but it was later discovered that he had lied about his recovery. Furthermore, Oliver was closely associated with Bryan, who was a 16-year-old zoosadist offender. Bryan managed to manipulate his way into a position of power within the community, and used this position to silence any anti-zoosadist voices within the community.
Brian’s twitter. Censored: a dead raccoon.
Oliver’s twitter description.
A bit about the recovery movement:
A red flag in RZAF was noted when Bry started encouraging minors that it was "ok to offend sometimes" and started escalating people by bragging about "offending" and what "everyone did as a kid, because that's what kids do."
this conversation turned into a contest between minors to see who would say the most graphic scenarios. Whether they were true or false. This is normalization. Saying "it's ok to feel like you want to kill an animal sometimes is fine" or to say "Well, animals are food.. so it's ok." is not an ok thing to do.
Oliver and Bryan’s RZAF:
The RZAF server had a concerning number of minors present, which made the presence of offending zoosadists and pedophiles all the more troubling. It was particularly alarming that
"non-paraphiliacs" were not given a voice in moderation, which could have led to a lack of accountability and contributed to a dangerous environment
Oliver gave a “recently offending MAP” a TEMP BAN. In fact, temporary bans may give offending MAPs a false sense of security and make them feel like they can return to the community without addressing their problematic behavior!
Oliver even demoted me and removed me from staff because I wasn’t a paraphile
Oliver and my age:
Although I have evidence that suggests Oliver may have known I was a minor, I will choose to give him the benefit of the doubt since I cannot prove it with certainty. It is clear, however, that he wasn’t sure and did not verify.
“Do you think he’s 16?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised”
“50/50 chance..”
He did not even verify. He dropped nudes and did not even verify.
There was a lot of sexual coercion.
He told me that he had pOCD, he said it was a condition where if he flirted or was sexual with a minor he would kill himself. He said triggering pOCD can cause suicidal breakdowns. This is the main reason why I did not come clean about my true age. I was afraid that Oliver would harm himself.
In hindsight I believe that he wasn’t sure if I was a minor or not, I believe that Oliver has been using his pOCD as an excuse to ensure plausible deniability, as he had been known to be sexually flirtatious with multiple minors in group chats and had difficulty controlling himself.
Note that Bryan 100% knew I was a minor at this time, Oliver and Bry were very close. This is another reason why I believe that Oliver knew my age. Both Bryan and Oliver talked to eachother, sexualizing me.
Despite feeling uncomfortable with Oliver's persistent flirtatious behavior towards me , I developed a close friendship with him over time. At first, I dismissed his advances as harmless jokes, but they became increasingly sexual as time went on. He even revealed to me that he had a fetish for corrupting me into a gay sadist or masochist, which made me extremely uncomfortable.
More of Oliver forcing sexual stuff when I’m clearly uncomfortable
I never reciprocated these advances , but he would disappear for long periods of time or self-harm whenever things didn't go his way , even when I requested that our relationship stay platonic.
He also claimed to have pOCD, which made me afraid to disclose my true age to him. I mistook his manipulation tactics for genuine feelings and continued to lie about my age to protect him from harming himself.
Over time, my anxiety grew as Oliver's behavior became more unstable, and I felt responsible for his well-being. I even tried to play matchmaker to make his relationships work. But I began to realize that my mental health was suffering, and I couldn't continue living a lie . Zrcalo noticed my change in behavior and was the only one who reached out to check on me . I confided in him about my situation and my confusion about my feelings.
Eventually, I decided to test the waters and see if Oliver would become suicidal if he found out I was a minor. When I learned that he would not harm himself, I revealed my true age to him. He cut me off immediately but said I could reach out when I turned 18.
In the aftermath of all that happened, it was revealed to me that Oliver was a pedosadist who derives sexual pleasure from abusing children. He had admitted to having crushes on kids before and I had seen him flirting and getting close with other children in the past.
Looking back, I realized that he had used the same suicidal threats to manipulate and gain sympathy from other kids as well.
At the time, I was too naive and misguided to recognize this behavior and I had even tried to reassure him out of fear for his well-being.
The impact of my experiences has been deeply disturbing. I am susceptible to gaslighting and easily believe whatever I am told… I go along with whatever I am instructed to do. When multiple people offer conflicting opinions or advice, I become panicked and uncertain. I constantly doubt myself, always assuming that others have better judgment than I do.
Dealing with Oliver's corruption fetish has been a significant challenge for me . It has caused me to question my own identity and feel uncomfortable in my own skin. Even now, I still struggle with self-doubt and require constant reassurance to avoid spiraling into paranoid thoughts and emotional breakdowns. Sometimes, I experience nightly panic attacks for weeks on end, while other times, I am able to avoid them depending on my overall mental state.
(Note, I do not have all the logs. Oliver cleared his logs and deleted his account. This section has limited screenshots because I wasn’t planning to have to stockpile proof against my friend)
I never wanted to confront this. I wanted to forget. I was ashamed. I blamed myself. I thought it was all my fault and that I was a horrible person . I doubted myself at every opportunity and didn’t even know who I was. I cried so much. I was convinced I was a horrible person and all I did was cry.
Following Oliver's exile, discussions about his behavior began to circulate among members of the community. His actions had been widely witnessed and became common knowledge among those involved.
became the dog mod on TransphobicLs in August of 2022
I was the most active poster and mod on the account.
Oliver reappeared when Dan started working with him .
Dan knew that Oliver was a pedophile and let him around kids anyways.
This log predates a majority of Dan’s relationship with Oliver. They were friends until February
After Dan and Oliver were exposed, two mods from the TransphobicLss (from here on out it will be marked as “LSS” due to how close it is to the account transphobicLs which is what we ran) account that were close with both Dan and Oliver (the other two mods on the account) came out about what happened behind the scenes.
Behind the scenes, Dan and the others in the inner circle knew Oliver was a pedophile, and even had screenshots of him grooming kids.
But they kept it under wraps because they “ planned to bully Ls into suicide” , according to Oliver’s boyfriend.
They let other vulnerable kids around these pedophiles, leading to more abuse.
Oliver never had proof to back up his claims, his defenders and ex-friends admit that they just defended him.
Oliver’s “proof”
Dan called me a liar, she called me disgusting, she said my abuse and my experiences weren’t real. It was agonizing to see my abuser being publicly defended while my own experiences were dismissed as lies. It was as if my trauma didn't matter .
Everyone believed Dan. People with large platforms joined in and amplified the voices that called me a liar and an abuser. It was overwhelming and made me feel like I was drowning in a sea of hatred and abuse. And I couldn’t get a word in…
In a moment of desperation, I gave up and said whatever I had to in order to make it stop. At that point, I didn't care if Oliver got away with everything - I just wanted the relentless attacks to end. A major contributor was molly.