Lss and Friends page

@TransphobicLss, or as we will call it Lss, is an account made by Dan to expose the moderators on TransphobicLs. Despite its seemingly good intentions, the creator and past moderators of the account have proven to be vindictive and have their own skeletons in the closet

The account originated in the November of 2022 amongst the controversy of a zoophile being on the mod team of TransphobicLs. Claiming to be there to document and uplift victims’ voices, it was revealed that the true purpose of the account was to be a way to circumvent the truce between Dan and Zrcalo.

This account and drama surrounding it spiraled into a pillar of lies, deception, abuse, and child endangerment. Multiple moderators of Lss were manipulated and have since denounced the account and the people behind it; calling it a vengeful plot that cannot be trusted due to constant "bold faced lies" for the sake of "the message".


The account was created on November 3, 2023, by Dan (🦐 mod) who shortly after recruited Oliver as the web (🕸️) mod of the account. The day after, JesterKitty (who was 16 years old) was recruited as the tennis (🎾) mod, and the day after that Paul was brought on board as virus (🦠) mod.


This made up the original moderation staff of the Lss account.

Dan knew Oliver was a pedophile before inviting him to the account.

Dan initiated a romantic relationship with Oliver, knowing he was a pedophile.

TransphobicLss and their use of Kiwi Farms

What is the Kiwi Farms?


The Kiwi Farms is a antisemitic, transphobic hate site, that is connected to multiple shootings, banned in several nations, and it was shut down for “an imminent threat to human life” before moving to the dark web.

More information on the Kiwi Farms:

  1. Pless, Margaret (July 19, 2016). "Kiwi Farms, the Web's Biggest Community of Stalkers". Intelligencer. New York Magazine. Archived from the original on May 11, 2019. Retrieved May 12, 2019.
  2. Rosenberg, Scott (August 25, 2022). "Campaign pushes Cloudflare to drop trans hate site". Axios. Archived from the original on August 25, 2022. Retrieved August 25, 2022.
  3. Dastagir, Alia E. (July 23, 2021). "'The internet is not a game. ... This stuff really hurts.' Respected developer who was bullied online dies by suicide". USA Today. Archived from the original on October 1, 2021. Retrieved July 24, 2021.
  4. Menn, Joseph; Lorenz, Taylor (September 3, 2022). "Under pressure, security firm Cloudflare drops KiwiFarms website where stalkers organize". The Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Archived from the original on September 4, 2022. Retrieved September 3, 2022.
  5. Wodinsky, Shashona (June 29, 2021). "The Worst Site on the Web Gets DDoS'd After Being Connected to Prominent Developer's Suicide". Gizmodo. Archived from the original on June 29, 2021. Retrieved June 29, 2021.
  6. "Citing imminent danger Cloudflare drops hate site Kiwi Farms". The Associated Press. September 4, 2022. Archived from the original on September 5, 2022. Retrieved September 4, 2022.

Lss has repeatedly used Kiwi Farms, and has even defended and promoted its use.

When called out, they responded with a snarky and sarcastic response, doubling down, and promoting it as a “free and accessible” source of “information”.

Lss’ promotion of kiwifarms even extends to spreading conspiracies about one of the suicides connected to the Farms. Kiwi actively spreads that Near faked their death, and has dubbed it “byuuicide”. Spreading it as “what really happened to Near” is disgusting.

Archive | Live Tweet

The creator of the Lss account, Dan, also has an account on the Kiwi Farms, as well as a well documented history of defending and promoting its use.


More of Dan bragging about influencing Kiwi.

Dan thinks that Near faked their death.

Here Dan defends both Josh Moon and MedicBag, and Dan once again says that Near’s suicide was faked.

The accounts "MedicBagExpert" and "MedicBagDisastr" are both run by the same individual who was actively mocking Near's suicide and praising KiwiFarms. This individual is one of Dan's friends, whom she has publicly defended and supported.

By defending this individual, Dan is essentially condoning and enabling their behavior, which is not only unacceptable but also dangerous.

Dan being upset that the account directly attacking near got banned and then praising it

Retweeting tweets supporting kiwifarms and making fun of Near’s suicide:

Dan has a well documented history of using KiwiFarms for gossip, drama, and doxxes.

Dan was also “praising the god kiwi is back up”, after it was removed from the web for “an imminent threat to human life

With discord ID, proving its Dan’s once again:

Even telling other people to go to the 18+ site (this was in her public server that is full of minors)

Lss’ endangerment of minors

Arch is in the server, says it’s “got the structure for something” and says “hopefully the draw-in will be notable enough”. Shows arch is on board with the plans.

Minors in the server, minors are mods/admins, Minors are talking about saving pedophiles’ dick pics for “evidence”


The discord server is essentially free for all with very little moderation to sensitive content. This wouldn’t necessarily be an issue if he didn’t allow minors, but he does. In fact most of the server consists of minors.

Notice the use of the age role 16-18. This makes it difficult to differentiate who isn't and is a minor, which is extremely irresponsible on his part.

Owner of the server is a 16 year old self proclaimed “AAM” who wants to be groomed

Also trades CSEM with minors.

Arch on-board with doxxes being shared and minors being involved in this drama.

(I censored the dox, wasn't originally censored)

In this server there are adults and minors sharing links to 18+ nsfw websites as well as pedo sites and “toddler cunny” 

Keep in mind that a majority of the server, along with all the members they are showing this content to, are minors as young as 13!

Arch is a repeat offender of using minors to dox predators

“Me and arch r tryna get everything”

“We just want to confirm an actual dox”

Doxxing, encouraging others to kill themselves (attempted murder)

(I censored the dox, wasn't originally censored)

Pedophiles/Zoophiles and predators in the server

King is also discord friends with Lazzy

Especially suspicious considering Lazzy has admittedly worked with Lss in the past, which is backed up by moderators on Lss’ own words

Oliver Weiss / LoveMeEvermore / Stlkrpuppi / Kylar / f3ar_wh0re / your murder doll

An admitted and self proclaimed child predator, pedophile, and zoosadist who derives sexual pleasure from the pain of children and animals.

Relevance: Mod on Lss

Oliver admitting they are a zoosadist (it was right in his profile on twitter)


His confession to abusing animals

Confession to watching bestiality pornography

Admission to pedophilia and child predation

Proof of the screenshots being from his account

Discord account

Discord ID from the screenshots: 929166222367555646

Old screenshots from a conversation between Oliver and one of his old friends

Account ID matches:

Telegram account

Bryan Harley / BR04DC4ST / RottingCrevice

Bryan is a zoosadist who is known for torturing animals and sodomizing roadkill.

Relevance: Friend of Oliver, possible romantic relationship


Connor Roundy / Valerie Arden / Hypnotist Sappho

Sappho is a well know Pedophile and Zoophile

Relevance: friend of Oliver

Danesia McKissick / AndientArt / Queerocynical / DadCh0mpz / D0llz / Jason / BedHeadDad / Knotty Kelly / TransphobicLss

Danesia is a serial abuser who will defend predators at any cost if it serves her agenda.

Relevance: Creator/Owner of Lss

Linking Danesia to AndientArt

Proof Danesia McKissick uses the Alias “AndientArt”.

Face match

Photos from AndientArt’s Online presence:

Photos posted by Danesia’s mother:

Linking Danesia to Queerocynical

Both share a birthday, April 20th.

Same art on both accounts, also on the DadCh0mpz account;

The backup email to (ID: 112287414471825127196) is (ID: 106018315982525176666)

Linking Danesia and Mouse Mod to Queerocynical

Same lizard, named Richard

Same cat, named Binx

Linking AndientArt to D0llz

Danesia’s art is used as the profile picture of the D0llz discord (600329526429483018)

Linking Danesia to DadCh0mpz

Dan is known for lying about her identity

For example, the @Xrcaloz account

Dan in a nutshell      

Distribution of CSEM and Bestiality to Minors


Even in her confession, Danesia still lies and downplays her actions. (Archive)

She is referencing this post here, where she sends the @handle of an account distributing beast pornography to a 13 year old.

Dan is a compulsive liar, always using the excuse that she “was 17” to excuse distribution and transphobia, even when she disclosed multiple times that it was distribution before and after distributing.

Dan was well aware of her following of minors, making jokes about it on multiple occasions after people complained about her sending minors to those profiles.

One of the victims of Dan’s distribution:

Another victim of Dan’s distribution:


Dan and Oliver encouraging kids to kill themselves

Oliver was Dan’s boyfriend at the time.

Proof she knew the kid’s age:

Dan called a minor who was groomed by Oliver an “underaged plaything”, when she was called out, she told the same minor to end his life.

Jester’s Story:

Jester is a minor who was used by Dan to run a hate campaign on the transphobicLSS account. Dan KNEW she was a minor, yet exposed her to pedophiles, adult situations, and an insurmountable amount of stress that made her suicidal.

Dan did not care, and kept going. Jester was even punished by Dan for “disobeying”. Dan mimics the traits of an abusive parent to control minors into doing what she wants them to do

TransphobicLSS (also known as LSS) was an account made by Dan that was supposed to call out individuals for zoophilia and pedophilia.

This account claimed to have no minors on it due to the account being embroiled in nonstop drama and dealing with the pedophiles/zoophiles directly. (Even having a self professed pedophile on staff, but we’ll get to that later.)

The claim of “
no minors on staff” was proven false. In the beginning, Jester was made a moderator for the LSS twitter drama account, and was told to lie and keep quiet so that Lss could keep its credibility.

Jester was “🥎” (tennis ball) moderator on LSS. Dan was lying about jester’s age so she could continue to use Jester. The screenshot above shows that on December 5th, they claim there are no teenagers on staff. Though, “🥎” moderator who was Jester, left on the 9th of december.

The post above admits that there is emotional drain on the staff. Jester was exposed to all of this. They also said that Jester was leaving on the 9th of December. Days after they lied about “No teenagers being on staff”.

Jester did not leave their circles or groups, and kept being brought around
pedophiles. Even calling one of them her “dad”. While also calling “Dan” her “mom”.

What makes the post above so utterly disturbing is that Dan KNEW Oliver was a bona-fide self professed pedophile, yet still let Jester around him. Even DEFENDING him, to the point of Jester saying this pedophile was her “Dad”.

Dan screams and yells on mic in order to get people to do what she wants them to do. She will even demand to speak on audio instead of through text so she could control people better. A lot of people with abusive parents will snap into an “obedience mode” when yelled at, which can be a ptsd response. Hence why Jester equated Dan to her mom, in a very very disturbing way.

Dan used Jester to Obtain Doxxes and put her in harm’s way.

After Oliver was exposed as a pedophile, Dan tried to keep the exposal low-key and behind the scenes. Dan even tried to silence Oliver’s victims, one of which being Jester.

Dan prioritized optics over the safety of children.

Dan’s Betrayal of Jester:

“I've was told I was a manipulator, an abuser, a liar, she hoped I was hurt, she hopes I get told to kill myself when I'm 18, that I'm just as bad as Zrcalo. It's stressed me out so much I haven't been able to eat much and I've been having nightmares. But I'm the abuser? 

Dan ignored Jester completely, only messaging her when she needed something Drama related (such as getting a dox of a pedophile)

When Jester told Dan how she felt like Dan didn’t care and was only using her, Dan flipped out and played the victim. After this, their relationship only went downhill. Dan started spreading lies about Jester being an abuser.

“Dan is using you just like she used us. Once you stop being useful, she will discard you.” 

Stellar / Alnitak / Betelgeuse / MapStruggs

Stellar is a zoophile that enables abuse and claims to be anti-contact, despite helping advocate for bestiality.

Relevance: Lss Operative


It was known that Stellar is a zoophile prior to his association with the account:

Stellar already had a reputation for enabling abuse, even among other Lss mods such as Oliver.

This was in Lss’ own evidence document;

Another conversation with Oliver discussing Stellar:

Harmful associations

Prostasia: pedophile organization

The organization’s efforts have dedicated themselves to crusades against child pornography bans, letter-writing campaigns to state representatives demanding child-likeness sex dolls be kept legal, and funding research into “fantasy sexual outletsfor pedophiles.

ZeebDemon (potluck): pedophile who was directly called out by Elon Musk

Article1 article2

Corpselene (necryssa): necrophile and zoosadist

Kerfuffle: owner of EZKPS, helps predators groom children and defends animal abuse

(Not my screenshot)

Stellar can also be seen advocating for paraphilias with Lecter, the pedophile who runs NNIA, a notorious child grooming ring who advocates for pedophile acceptance and transage


Stellar isn’t against bestiality and vocally supports normalizing and accepting zoophilia 

Mia Taylor / Kearee / Kealune / Deadline Avoider

Relevance: Friend/Ally, member of the chat

kearee sent a minor (who had their knives taken away for cutting themselves) a blade that said "plz no cut pp - love, kea"

More evidence of grooming here: 

Charlie / Svyidae

Relevance: Friend/Ally, member of the chat

Charlie’s discord server is essentially free for all with very little moderation to sensitive content. This wouldn’t necessarily be an issue if he didn’t allow minors, but he does. In fact most of the server consists of minors.

Notice Charlie’s use of the age role 17-19. This makes it difficult to differentiate who isn't and is a minor, which is extremely irresponsible on his part.

One of Charlie’s mods actively made sexual comments towards 13-17 year olds. Keep in mind this is not just a member of the server but someone who Charlie entrusted with moderation powers and has a lot of control over the server.

Beanz is 17 and Dirt has the age role of 13-16 while Crow (Oops! All Birds) is 20. Charlie allowed this person to mod a server full of minors. Crow was later banned only after multiple people had complained about the grooming, and not on Charlie’s own volition.

Other examples of the type of behavior Charlie permits in his server:


Charlie encourages harassment and allows his fans to send graphic death threats and racist/transphobic/intersexist messages to individuals who disagree with him. He has acknowledged this and does not condemn his followers for it.


In one argument he got into with a 14 year old, he made a joke about them “getting a boner” and when the child asked him to not talk about him that way, Charlie said it was justified because the minor accused his art of being fetish-y (which was not true and a misunderstanding on Charlie's part) and like usual, his followers rushed to defend this behavior.


It was unclear what this argument was about, but Brown uses no pronouns. Charlie claims to be in favor of all well meaning labels, yet instantly went and called Brown a troll for correcting those who were misgendering. Instead of apologizing or correcting himself, Charlie and his followers continued to use “they” pronouns on brown and mocked brown for being upset over this.

Another instance of Charlie misgender someone and then refusing to apologize.