“I helped get [Zrcalo] out of multiple spaces. I am the reason one of these accounts even has some of the evidence it does. But I still get all this shit because I'm willing to also say that another person who threw around pedophilia accusations to try to control people and shut them up (me) because I was defending a minor that she sent hundreds of people after. Yeah, that person that maybe they need to be held accountable too like a public apology and a promise to do fucking better. I got told to suck a shotgun because that's what she does a lot in order to hide from criticism even now she celebrates that claiming that I'm just mad. I got ratioed. No, I'm mad you lied about me and I'm mad that you constantly tell people to kill themselves, Dan, because that means you don't actually give a fucking shit about this space and you don't care about mental health and it's a grift for attention and followers. And because I opposed Dan, she started a whisper campaign in the background falsely calling me a pedophile until I started a public campaign to get it taken down to get these people to retract and she still hasn't publicly apologized for that and she never will because this circle hates accountability. That's been my point this whole fucking time and I'm not wrong. So I guess I'll finish on this note that your situation proves me right because this whole time I've been saying that these spaces need to clean themselves up, that them being dens of bigotry and toxicity and hypocrisy and lies and dog piling and harassment and self serving ego calling. I'm saying that this space should take itself more seriously because otherwise people like you will have much more to believe when pedophiles predators et cetera want to manipulate new minds into believing that these places are nothing more than predators of a different sort or that they are the kinds of people who want that person hurt or dead or something like that.”
“People in Dan's corner do not give a fuck about the truth. They don't care. That's why Dan will unblock and then reblock as soon as Dan gets Dan's little petty Dan digs in. Because Dan is a piece of shit. Point blank. I didn't help Dan's abuser. I didn't tag the account that these people are trying to say that I'm aligned with. I just want the truth out and I want to stop being treated like shit by a community that's supposed to give a fuck about the truth. And if you don't give a fuck about the truth. How about you shut the fuck up about being an anti. How about you do that? Because then anti pedophiles wouldn't look like they just make shit up which gives actual predators ammo. And while I'm at it, stop being bigots. Which was what the original thread was about. Anti community needs to clean up that fucking shit. And stop aligning with these kinds of people mindlessly. And attacking people for no fucking reason. Other than self serving ego bullshit. And one more thing. Even if this was two years ago, which it wasn't, as you can see from the dates in those posts, it was not even a year and a half ago. Right. If it was two fucking years ago, who the fuck cares? If somebody doesn't apologize for things, if somebody doubles down and acts like continuing to lie as acceptable or acts like the people they lied about have no rational reason for being upset that they're being treated like an innocent saint. If that person doesn't think that what they did was wrong enough. To even stand behind an apology long enough. To not immediately backtrack or help the people that they helped before who have now been proven to be utter garbage. It doesn't matter how long ago that was, the person didn't change. This is the same fucking person. The same adult who lied about a minor, the same adult who lied about another adult who defended that minor. The same adult. Who abuses anti pedophile and zoophile communities to attack people who aren't those things for their own petty personal fucking ego bullshit. That's who we're dealing with. Who gets other people to to act by proxy and then hides and deletes accounts and shit when called out on this kind of behavior. That's who we're dealing with. So I don't need andient underscore art to prove that andientart is a terrible person. I have all of the evidence I need right fucking here. And I am not sorry and I will not apologize and I will not back the fuck down. Because that's how shit like this festers. And if you actually care about kids, you won't let it.”
“Dan is bad news, and never apologizes.”
“Dan is an awful person, with awful connections, and I've been libeled, they tried to dox me, they threatened my family, and much more”
“Like Dan, one of the people Cas is defending, who literally told me to off myself for defending a kid from her lies, and then accused me of being a groomer when I publicised that she did that. Buncha fakes LOL.”
The fact that Dan admitted to lying about Jeremiah and slandering him with false accusations of being a pedophile is deeply concerning. It is unacceptable to spread false information and defame someone's character without any evidence or justification.
Moreover, the fact that Dan has a history of slandering people who she doesn't like raises serious questions about her credibility and integrity. Slanderous behavior can have devastating consequences for an individual's personal and professional life, and it is not something that should be taken lightly.
It is essential that we hold individuals like Dan accountable for their actions and ensure that they are not allowed to spread false information and harm others