AndientArt / Dan / Jason

Trigger Warning:

Zoophilia, Zoosadism, Pedophilia, Rape, self harm, suicide, transphobia, doxxing, ableism, grooming, racism, antisemitism, mentions of animal abuse/torture, blackmail, harassment/swatting, gore, etc.

The evidence that we have collected has been carefully and thoroughly examined and verified through multiple sources and methods. We have taken great care to ensure that this evidence is unbiased and reliable, so that any conclusions drawn from it are based on facts and not speculation or hearsay. It is our priority to provide accurate information and to approach this situation with the utmost integrity and professionalism. The information presented is based on extensive research and interviews, and every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. However, due to the nature of the subject matter, some details may be difficult to verify.

 DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that some of the evidence presented in this document was collected by Zrcalo. However, we would like to assure our readers that all evidence contained herein has been rigorously vetted and confirmed to be both real and accurate. In order to ensure the transparency and reliability of this information, we have included links and archives to all relevant sources. We stand by the validity of our findings and are committed to presenting the truth in an unbiased and ethical manner.

I believe if the information provided by a source is verifiable through independent sources or evidence, then the credibility of the source itself becomes less relevant. Verifying information through multiple sources and evidence is crucial in determining its accuracy and validity. Even if the source may have questionable motives or a history of unreliability, if the information is independently verifiable, it remains credible.

This document with evidence against Zrcalo was created by Dan and a pedophile zoosadist named Oliver, so take it with a grain of salt. The following evidence against zrcalo is still valid and the document is still worth a read: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1a398WlBSAQhUjamDF_52Btnqxgzad5utz0pHM1qGYnk 

THIS IS NOT A DEFENSE FOR ZRCALO. Dan says that anyone attacking her is a Zrcalo supporter, the author of this document does NOT support Zrcalo. This document is not meant to discredit the evidence against Zrcalo; Dan, Oliver, and Zrcalo are all horrible people. To expose all of them, we have to use evidence from all parties.

Evidence that goes along with this document can be found here:


Dan is a 20-year-old Instagram artist who has amassed a following of 100k on the platform. Her art has gained popularity for its unique style and themes, showcasing her creative talent and artistic skill.

Her notable aliases are:

AndientArt (her main username), TransphobicLss (account she uses to dodge accountability), DadCh0mpz (old account she used to “bait pedophiles for years”), ZoophileStruggs (used to be the main moderator), ZoophileStruggz (Backup for zoostruggs that Dan made), ZST (short for zoophile struggle tweets), mouse, mouse mod (Dan’s sign off emoji on ZST), Struggs, d0llz (Dan’s old discord), Benja (Dan’s main alias from 2021), Benny, Ben, B3N, Bedheaddad, Bench, Queerocynical (her known kiwi farms username), Jason (Another alias she used in 2021), JasoN, Jasob, jasmom, Andie, Andi3, Dan (her main name that we refer to her by), Daniel, Danesia, Danny, Knottykelly (her old zoo account), and Zoofollows.


A Quick Introduction

Jeremiah’s experience after calling out Dan:

Dan encouraging kids to kill themselves

Near’s Murder

Dan’s transphobia and her relationship with kiwi farms

Intentionally misgendering:

She apologized for being transphobic but she admitted she just did it so people stopped attacking her

Dan deadnaming and deadnaming out of spite

Dan worked with Neo-nazi derfuhrious.

Dan’s partner / defending pedos

Proof that Oliver is Dan’s partner and even had artwork of them together:
Oliver admitting they are a zoosadist (it was right in his profile on twitter) and want to kill cats:
Oliver saying he wanted to kill a cat:
Oliver wishing people would “relapse into killing animals”:

Dan admitting that she knew oliver was a pedophile:

Dan claims that she never dated Oliver

Harassment, Doxxing, and Blackmail


Dan’s doxxing


Dan now openly says she wants to see kids kill themselves and she wants them to record it…

Dan leaked a private vent of a 14 year old girl.

Paraphilia and art related evidence

Dan defending feral art

Zoophilia DMs

She has advocated for peppa pig porn

More of Dan advocating for feral art

She admitted it was a guilty pleasure^


she spread links to bestiality and csem:

Laughing at how she’s sending minors to zoos:

Once again acknowledging her minor following:

Dan has acknowledged many times that she was utilizing minors, even DIRECTLY linking a distribution account TO A 13 YEAR OLD

She even was gloating about sending kids to Zoophiles

Another minor who was affected by Dan:

A 14yo affected by Dan:

Dan worked with this 15 year old.

Dan sending kids to crush porn

Another one of many minors affected by Dan.

Screenshots from her discord server, these screenshots were taken by a openly known 13 year old (they were allowed into all of this, everyone knew they were a minor):

Dan even acknowledged that she was distributing:

She even claimed the account was to “warn kids”, throwing away the excuse that she didn’t know their ages

Dan’s friend’s and the mistreatment of grooming victims


Lying about her identity

Over the past year, Dan has been dishonest about her identity, which she does in order to evade responsibility. The most recent instance of this was when she denied involvement with TransphobicLss, using this anonymous persona to conceal her identity and deceive others for several months.

Dan denied being a moderator on the Zoostruggs account and lied about her involvement from 2021 until the end of 2022:

“Not to mention, I have stated Mouse IS NOT ME,

my friends knew Mouse and strongly disliked him. I

would NEVER be transphobic; I find it highly

disgusting I am being accused of being a


Dan (andientart).

“I wasn’t a mod, ive said that multiple times. i was on the acc but never an official mod.”

30 September 2022. https://archive.is/d0qat.

Dan (andientart).

“i did post but i wasn't an official mod?? that's the story ive stuck with.”

30 September 2022. https://archive.is/ImG6N.

Disproving these claims with her own admissions:

A Quick Introduction

Back in 2021, Dan was the “mouse moderator” of “Zoophile Struggle Tweets”. A harassment account. On this account she pretended to be a 20 year old named Benny or Jason. Under the guise of anonymity she exposed minors to csem and beast pornography. She knew this was distribution and even tweeted that she doesn’t do it because it’s distribution (while actively doing it). She did this on Twitter and in private discord servers.

Dan has developed a reputation for habitual lying, particularly when it comes to minimizing her own misdeeds. She has gone as far as confessing that in the event of being embroiled in controversies, she would pretend to be remorseful.

Dan has associated and worked with pedophiles, zoosadists, and multiple alt-right individuals and groups.

Dan's assertion that "Benja" is her deadname appears to be a tactic to evade accountability for her past actions. In reality, "Benja" was merely an alias that Dan used for a brief period of time on Twitter, and it was never her legal or real name. By attempting to deflect blame onto others and labeling them as "transphobic", Dan is avoiding responsibility for her past behavior. It's worth noting that the use of the screenshots provided is not an example of deadnaming, as it's Dan's username. The Jeremiah archives linked contain further evidence to support these claims. https://t.me/AndientArtExposed/2048 

Dan has used deadnames and misgendering people as a form of harassment, she is known for exhibiting transphobic behavior, and having an account on a website known for doxxing and driving individuals to suicide. The website, Kiwi Farms, is also known for slander and falsifying evidence to harass their victims. Despite the severity of these accusations and a wealth of news articles on the topic, Dan continues to admit to using the website:


Example: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/sep/07/techscape-kiwi-farms-cloudflare).


YouTube videos:

Intro to zoostruggs: https://youtu.be/DbqjiaEqugw 

Stop hurting kids: https://youtu.be/fETceBk-LNE 

Stop using kids: https://youtu.be/xUzDDYngzas 

Jeremiah’s video: https://t.me/AndientArt/115 




This video is Dan admitting to being benja which can be definitively linked to ZST Mouse, Jason, DadCh0mpz, D0llz, Queerocynical, zoophilestruggs, zoophilestruggz, bedheaddad, zoofollows, knottykelly, etc.

This was the first instance of Dan publicly acknowledging the events.


Public Admission on Stream:

admits to owning DadCh0mpz and she talks about Stu Harpy

Live stream link: https://youtu.be/NqWQ6dv7_EM 

Archives of Dan’s tweets admitting/connecting herself:





















>More evidence can be found here<


Discord Accounts:


User ID: 892234614637215814

Created: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 02:21:49 UTC


User ID: 984281085536006217

Created: Thu, 09 Jun 2022 02:21:37 UTC


  User ID: 838936534841294868

  Created: Tue, 04 May 2021


  User ID: 600329526429483018

  Created: Mon, 15 Jul 2019


  ID: 456226577798135808

  Created: Tue, 12 Jun 2018


Jeremiah’s experience after calling out Dan:

Before we get into the evidence, you need to know the context and the type of situation this is. Jeremiah did a great video on it, here are some excerpts:

“I helped get [Zrcalo] out of multiple spaces. I am the reason one of these accounts even has some of the evidence it does. But I still get all this shit because I'm willing to also say that another person who threw around pedophilia accusations to try to control people and shut them up (me) because I was defending a minor that she sent hundreds of people after. Yeah, that person that maybe they need to be held accountable too like a public apology and a promise to do fucking better. I got told to suck a shotgun because that's what she does a lot in order to hide from criticism even now she celebrates that claiming that I'm just mad. I got ratioed. No, I'm mad you lied about me and I'm mad that you constantly tell people to kill themselves, Dan, because that means you don't actually give a fucking shit about this space and you don't care about mental health and it's a grift for attention and followers. And because I opposed Dan, she started a whisper campaign in the background falsely calling me a pedophile until I started a public campaign to get it taken down to get these people to retract and she still hasn't publicly apologized for that and she never will because this circle hates accountability. That's been my point this whole fucking time and I'm not wrong. So I guess I'll finish on this note that your situation proves me right because this whole time I've been saying that these spaces need to clean themselves up, that them being dens of bigotry and toxicity and hypocrisy and lies and dog piling and harassment and self serving ego calling. I'm saying that this space should take itself more seriously because otherwise people like you will have much more to believe when pedophiles predators et cetera want to manipulate new minds into believing that these places are nothing more than predators of a different sort or that they are the kinds of people who want that person hurt or dead or something like that.”

“People in Dan's corner do not give a fuck about the truth. They don't care. That's why Dan will unblock and then reblock as soon as Dan gets Dan's little petty Dan digs in. Because Dan is a piece of shit. Point blank. I didn't help Dan's abuser. I didn't tag the account that these people are trying to say that I'm aligned with. I just want the truth out and I want to stop being treated like shit by a community that's supposed to give a fuck about the truth. And if you don't give a fuck about the truth. How about you shut the fuck up about being an anti. How about you do that? Because then anti pedophiles wouldn't look like they just make shit up which gives actual predators ammo. And while I'm at it, stop being bigots. Which was what the original thread was about. Anti community needs to clean up that fucking shit. And stop aligning with these kinds of people mindlessly. And attacking people for no fucking reason. Other than self serving ego bullshit. And one more thing. Even if this was two years ago, which it wasn't, as you can see from the dates in those posts, it was not even a year and a half ago. Right. If it was two fucking years ago, who the fuck cares? If somebody doesn't apologize for things, if somebody doubles down and acts like continuing to lie as acceptable or acts like the people they lied about have no rational reason for being upset that they're being treated like an innocent saint. If that person doesn't think that what they did was wrong enough. To even stand behind an apology long enough. To not immediately backtrack or help the people that they helped before who have now been proven to be utter garbage. It doesn't matter how long ago that was, the person didn't change. This is the same fucking person. The same adult who lied about a minor, the same adult who lied about another adult who defended that minor. The same adult. Who abuses anti pedophile and zoophile communities to attack people who aren't those things for their own petty personal fucking ego bullshit. That's who we're dealing with. Who gets other people to to act by proxy and then hides and deletes accounts and shit when called out on this kind of behavior. That's who we're dealing with. So I don't need andient underscore art to prove that andientart is a terrible person. I have all of the evidence I need right fucking here. And I am not sorry and I will not apologize and I will not back the fuck down. Because that's how shit like this festers. And if you actually care about kids, you won't let it.”

“Dan is bad news, and never apologizes.”

“Dan is an awful person, with awful connections, and I've been libeled, they tried to dox me, they threatened my family, and much more”

“Like Dan, one of the people Cas is defending, who literally told me to off myself for defending a kid from her lies, and then accused me of being a groomer when I publicised that she did that. Buncha fakes LOL.”








Dan encouraging kids to kill themselves



Dan believed that the kid was being manipulated and groomed. Instead of targeting the alleged abuser, the child was harassed.

Attacking groomed kids is harmful because it can retraumatize them, perpetuate victim blaming, and discourage them from seeking help or support. It is important to approach victims of grooming with compassion, understanding, and support, and to hold the abusers accountable for their actions.

Proof she knew the kid’s age:


“Oliver” was Dan’s partner at the time. (Evidence linked in the Oliver section of this document)

Dan’s Relations with Kiwi Farms and her behavior related to Near’s Murder (part 1)

Kiwi is cited in the suicide note: “But Kiwi Farms has made the harassment orders of magnitude worse. It’s escalated from attacking me for being autistic, to attacking and doxing my friends, and trying to suicide bait another, just to get a reaction from me. I lost one of my best friends to this. I feel responsible”.

Dan's complete lack of remorse after being confronted about the affects of her actions, which could have resulted in someone committing suicide, is deeply concerning. Although it's true that Dan may not have been aware of the potential consequences of her actions, her nonchalant response of "I'd do it again" is alarming. It suggests that she is either unaware or indifferent to the harm she could have caused, which raises serious questions about her moral character and judgment. The fact that she has shown no remorse, even after being confronted, is a clear indication that Dan is not fit to be trusted in a position of responsibility or authority. Her behavior is not only unethical but also potentially dangerous, and it's imperative that she is held accountable for her actions.

Near killed themself due to Kiwi’s escalation in attacking their friends, particularly Blum and Zrcalo.

Before Near killed themself, they told Blum not to focus on the haters.

This is in reference to the emails shown where Josh Moon refuses to take down the threads.

In an email to Josh Moon, Near said:

Once again citing people using kiwi to target Near’s friends as the final straw.

These actions have caused real harm to real people, and it's important that they are held accountable for the consequences of their actions. We must all take a stand against cyberbullying and make it clear that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

“B1 Commander” is one of Dan’s buddies. “Wunhunglo” is derfuhrious, someone Dan has worked with repeatedly. They are kiwi farmers. Dan fed info to kiwi. These were Dan’s contacts.

You can see in this screenshot, Dan is on the kiwifarms page for Blum:

NOTE: Lss leaked that Dan still has access:

Dan’s transphobia and her relationship with kiwi farms (part 2)

You can read about the horror that is Kiwi Farms here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwi_Farms 

-Kiwi Farms is a “hate-filled, anti-trans, stalker, swatting, and doxxing website”

-Founded, managed, and owned by a pedophile and neo-nazi

-The site targets transgender people and people with disabilities

-It has led to multiple deaths and suicides

-It has been banned in certain countries due to being connected to mass shootings at churches and mosques

“Tactics include publishing their victims' personal information (doxxing), trying to get them fired from their jobs, reporting crimes at their addresses in an attempt to have police dispatched to their homes (swatting), and harassing their family members and friends. Some of Kiwi Farms' harassment campaigns have continued for months or years, and some aim to drive the targets to suicide. Both the site's owner Moon and the userbase of Kiwi Farms have been described as antisemitic, with Kiwi Farms users targeting a transgender Jewish convert with antisemitic abuse.”

Participating in the "lolcow culture" and using platforms like Kiwi Farms to mock and harass others can indicate a lack of empathy and disregard for the potential harm caused to the targeted individuals. This behavior can also perpetuate a cycle of online abuse and bullying, contributing to a toxic and harmful online environment.

More of Dan bragging about influencing Kiwi. Also another connection to her “droid army” since the account posting is a battle droid (she had a bunch of people larp as Star Wars droids).

You can see in the bottom of this, Dan had a dm with one of the droids. Dan heart reacted to a message from the droid saying “I told kiwi to”

This proves Dan worked directly with Kiwi

People may target the mentally vulnerable for various reasons. One reason is that they are perceived as an easy target, as they may not have the emotional or mental capacity to defend themselves or make rational decisions.

Dan thinks that Near faked his death.

To this day, they still believe this narrative:

Here she defends Josh Moon and MedicBag, and Dan once again says that Near’s suicide was faked.

It's deeply disturbing to learn that the accounts "MedicBagExpert" and "MedicBagDisastr" are both run by the same individual who was actively mocking Near's suicide and praising KiwiFarms. Shockingly, this individual is one of Dan's friends, whom she has publicly defended and supported. The fact that Dan is willing to defend someone who is openly making fun of suicide is deeply troubling and raises serious concerns about her judgment and values. By defending this individual, Dan is essentially condoning and enabling their reprehensible behavior, which is not only unacceptable but also potentially dangerous. It's crucial that we all stand up against cyberbullying and make it clear that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Dan must be held accountable for her actions and the company she keeps.

Dan being upset that the account directly attacking near got banned and then praising it’

Retweeting tweets supporting kiwifarms and making fun of Near’s suicide:

Proof that Dan’s actions were influencing children to go to kiwifarms:

Dan uses kiwi for other drama, such as finding the doxxes of famous YouTubers so she can gossip with her friends and spread it in her server.

Dan utilizes the controversial online platform Kiwi Farms to engage in various forms of drama, including doxxing famous YouTubers. Doxxing refers to the practice of publicly revealing or publishing private information about an individual without their consent, often with the intention of causing harm or harassment.

By using Kiwi Farms for such purposes, Dan could be seen as promoting and participating in harmful online behavior, potentially putting others at risk of harm. Furthermore, the statement implies that Dan is not using Kiwi Farms for constructive or positive purposes but instead using it to spread rumors and gossip, which can be damaging to individuals' reputations and mental health.

Overall, the statement suggests that Dan's behavior on Kiwi Farms is not aligned with ethical or moral principles and raises questions about the impact of online drama and gossip on individuals and communities.

Dan was “praising the god kiwi is back up”

With discord ID, proving its Dan’s once again:

Even telling other people to go to the site (this was in her public server that is full of minors)

Proof it’s Dan’s account:


She still supports kiwi on accounts she moderates:

“Kiwifarms, and many more have documented what really happened to Near in 2021.”

Kiwi Farms says that Near faked their death.


Dan still defends Kiwifarms on her alt account:

She has been supporting kiwi for years:

More of Dan supporting Kiwi Farms

ID on this deleted account is 456226577798135808

Dan’s “Benja” discord account

Intentionally misgendering:

This is only one such occasion.

She apologized for being transphobic but she admitted she just did it so people stopped attacking her

While it's commendable that she apologized for her transphobic behavior, it's concerning that she only did so because she was being attacked. It suggests that her apology may not be genuine, but rather a calculated move to deflect criticism and protect herself. This kind of insincere apology only serves to further harm the marginalized communities that she has targeted, and it's important that we hold her accountable for her actions. True accountability requires not only admitting fault but also taking concrete steps to make amends and prevent similar harm in the future.

Dan deadnaming and deadnaming out of spite

-Retweeting a respawn account of a member

 of a racist transphobic doxxing group. She worked with members of this group to attack people

When Dan boosted this account, he was being openly transphobic and even had “transphobic” in his bio

-Burger King crown is an alt-right dog whistle (especially on anime girls on twitter… don’t ask, I don’t know why they do it)



More of Dan associating with Tucker:

-Saying stonetoss is cool (self explanatory)

-saying Kearee is cool (@kealune/deadlineavoider)

She still shares groups with some of these people:

Svyidae callout document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EF9g9rjqEfLU6tZYEbyfTSAX5YDZbokFrGS_AIJKu9k 

-saying Jane is cool (@cringe_rebooted)

Below is Jane’s admission:

Dan has helped spread lies about Jane up until recently. Jane is a groomer and an adult who lied about being a child:

Queerocynical is her kiwifarms account

Dan worked with Neo-nazi derfuhrious.

Derfuhrious is “wuhunglo” which she worked with on kiwifarms.

Screenshot from Zrcalo, this shows DerFuhrious admitting to working with Dan:

Dan acknowledges that she retweets alt right people.

Acknowledging that one retweets alt-right people implies that they are promoting and amplifying the views of those individuals, which can be harmful in several ways:

archives of Dan supporting kiwifarms:




















Dan aligned herself with the nazi “Tucker” repeatedly, the same transphobic nazi she retweeted and supported earlier.

Dan’s partner / defending pedos

Dan’s partner “Oliver” is a self professed zoosadist and “autopedophile”, who claims that they are “arent attracted to kids” and “sees themself as the kid”. They also admitted to watching beast porn heavily. Later on, they were exposed as a full on pedophile.

Oliver admits to being an “autopedophile”:

Proof that Oliver is Dan’s partner and even had artwork of them together:

Oliver admitting they are a zoosadist (it was right in his profile on twitter) and want to kill cats:

Oliver saying he wanted to kill a cat:

Oliver wishing people would “relapse into killing animals”:

Oliver has an extensive and well known history:

Dan admitting that she knew oliver was a pedophile:

Oliver saying that a pedophile who raped a child needed only a “temp ban” in a server full of kids:

Dan (andientart).

"i have stopped all contact with oliver. i have told them since the beginning my plans. we aren't friends." 11 October 2022. https://archive.is/zTX7p.


Dan knew all about Oliver, even telling people to “cry about it”:

Dan (andientart).

“I do know the people behind the account they are good ppl. no need to worry”. 17 November 2022. https://archive.is/CXgOQ.

Dan (andientart).

“i full support lss, but if zrcalo/ aiyakah didn't bring us up lss wouldn't have to either.” 5 December 2022. https://archive.is/vzgYF.

Oliver admitted to being on Lss with Dan:

Oliver also has targeted groomed children and attempted to drive them to suicide:

When Lss was confronted about how they caused a minor to self harm, they said they didn’t “care for it”, and “we’ll get to you when we get to you”

The statement attributed to Lss regarding causing harm to a minor is deeply disturbing and unacceptable. It is completely unacceptable for anyone to display such a callous disregard for the safety and well-being of a vulnerable child.

It is clear that the behavior of Lss in this instance is not only irresponsible but also highly unethical. Their lack of empathy and indifference to the harm they caused is reprehensible and should not be tolerated in any form.

We must stand together to condemn such behavior and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. It is essential that we prioritize the safety and protection of minors, and ensure that those who engage in harmful conduct are brought to justice. Any form of abuse, neglect, or mistreatment of children is completely unacceptable, and we must all work together to prevent it from happening.

Dan claims that she never dated Oliver




















It is deeply concerning and alarming that an adult would encourage a teenager to refer to them as "mom and dad." This behavior is not only inappropriate but also manipulative, as it blurs the boundaries between a minor and an adult authority figure.

The fact that this individual allowed, or even encouraged, a 16-year-old to refer to them as a parent is a clear indication of a power dynamic that is deeply troubling. It is unacceptable for anyone to exploit their position of authority and trust to manipulate a young person in this way.

This kind of behavior can have long-lasting and damaging effects on the psychological and emotional well-being of the minor involved. It is our duty to speak out against such behavior and ensure that individuals who engage in such manipulative tactics are held accountable for their actions.

We must do everything in our power to protect vulnerable youth and prevent them from being exploited by those in positions of authority. Allowing or encouraging minors to refer to an adult as a parent is an egregious violation of trust and demonstrates a complete disregard for the well-being and safety of the child. We must condemn this behavior and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

The situation described is abhorrent and completely unacceptable. It is alarming and deeply concerning that an adult would involve a 16-year-old in moderating an account that revolves around zoophiles and pedophiles.

Furthermore, the fact that the account contained content related to bestiality is extremely disturbing and harmful, especially for a young person who is not equipped to handle such content.

It is absolutely unacceptable for anyone to expose a minor to such disturbing and dangerous content, let alone ask them to moderate it. This behavior is not only exploitative but also puts the safety and well-being of the young person at risk.

UPDATE: Jester has come out against Dan with claims of abuse and claims that Dan used her.

We must take a strong stance against such harmful behavior and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. It is our duty to protect minors from any kind of exploitation or abuse, and we must do everything in our power to prevent situations like this from happening in the future.

We must condemn this behavior in the strongest possible terms and ensure that those involved are held responsible for their actions. It is essential that we prioritize the safety and protection of young people and prevent them from being exposed to any form of harmful content or manipulation.

The fact that a 36-year-old Kiwifarmer was involved in an account that revolves around zoophiles and pedophiles is deeply disturbing and alarming. It is completely unacceptable for an adult to participate in or contribute to any platform that promotes or normalizes such harmful and dangerous behavior.

Furthermore, the fact that this individual was involved in a platform that exposed a minor to disturbing and harmful content is absolutely unacceptable. It is our responsibility as adults to protect minors and ensure that they are not exposed to such harmful material.

We must take a strong stance against such behavior and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. It is our duty to protect young people from any form of exploitation or abuse and ensure that they are safe from harm.

We cannot allow individuals who engage in such harmful and inappropriate behavior to go unchecked. We must speak out against this kind of conduct and work together to prevent situations like this from happening in the future.

It is imperative that we prioritize the safety and well-being of young people and ensure that they are not subjected to any form of harm or exploitation. The involvement of a 36-year-old in a platform that promotes harmful and dangerous behavior is completely unacceptable and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

The behavior of the 36-year-old individual involved in encouraging children as young as 12-13 to visit a platform like Kiwifarms is deeply concerning and completely unacceptable. It is alarming that an adult would deliberately expose children to a platform that is known for promoting harmful and dangerous behavior.

The fact that this individual encouraged minors to visit Kiwifarms, a platform known for its history of harassment, doxing, and cyberbullying, is extremely disturbing. It puts the safety and well-being of these young people at risk and shows a complete disregard for their welfare.

This isn’t even getting into some of Paul’s weird… art:

Proof that Dan knew Oliver was a pedophile and a zoosadist:


The admission that Oliver, a moderator on a platform, is a zoophile and a pedophile is not only alarming but deeply concerning. It is unacceptable for anyone to engage in such harmful and dangerous behavior, let alone have access to a platform where they can interact with and potentially harm vulnerable individuals.

The fact that Dan is moderating for this platform and has admitted to Oliver's involvement as a moderator is extremely troubling. It raises questions about the kind of content that is being moderated and the potential harm that may be inflicted upon vulnerable individuals who access the platform.

Harassment, Doxxing, and Blackmail

Dan's repeated doxxing of individuals and her apparent pride in this behavior is both alarming and unacceptable. This reprehensible behavior is further compounded by her use of the information obtained through doxxing as a tool for blackmail and intimidation.

The extent of harm caused by Dan is nothing short of appalling, especially when it comes to minors. The fact that there are cases of teenagers as young as 14 or 15 getting severely impacted by exposure to Dan's account is deeply concerning.

It is difficult to fathom the true reach of Dan's harmful actions, and the damage that she has caused is incalculable. The fact that there could potentially be thousands of victims who have been impacted by Dan's actions is deeply troubling, and it is essential that we take steps to prevent such harm from occurring in the future.

The well-being and safety of minors should always be a top priority, and it is our responsibility as a society to protect them from individuals who engage in harmful behaviors such as doxxing. We must take a strong stance against such actions and ensure that those who perpetrate them are held accountable for their actions

Jeremiah’s experience with Dan








“Dan is bad news, and never apologizes.”

“Dan is an awful person, with awful connections, and I've been libeled, they tried to dox me, they threatened my family, and much more”

“Like Dan, one of the people Cas is defending, who literally told me to off myself for defending a kid from her lies, and then accused me of being a groomer when I publicised that she did that. Buncha fakes LOL.”

The fact that Dan admitted to lying about Jeremiah and slandering him with false accusations of being a pedophile is deeply concerning. It is unacceptable to spread false information and defame someone's character without any evidence or justification.

Moreover, the fact that Dan has a history of slandering people who she doesn't like raises serious questions about her credibility and integrity. Slanderous behavior can have devastating consequences for an individual's personal and professional life, and it is not something that should be taken lightly.

It is essential that we hold individuals like Dan accountable for their actions and ensure that they are not allowed to spread false information and harm others

For more of Jeremiah’s explanation of Dan, archives are here:


His is much more organized than our evidence here. Jeremiah only speaks from personal experience and is a firsthand account.

(Archives from January 15th onward are Dan related)

Jeremiah’s video on Dan can be found here: https://t.me/AndientArt/115 

Dan telling people to kill themself (Dan has caused people to self harm repeatedly)

Normalizing telling people to kill themselves is extremely harmful as it can have devastating consequences for the person being targeted. When individuals are repeatedly told to end their life or that they are better off dead, it can cause significant emotional distress and potentially lead to self-harm or suicide.

Moreover, such behavior creates a toxic and hostile environment that can make individuals feel unsafe and unsupported. When people are subjected to constant negativity and hostility, it can have a detrimental effect on their mental health and well-being, causing anxiety, depression, and other related issues.

Normalizing this kind of behavior can also lead to a desensitization to the seriousness of suicidal ideation and mental health issues. It can make it harder for people to recognize when someone is genuinely struggling and in need of help, potentially causing them to miss critical warning signs.

In conclusion, normalizing telling people to kill themselves is not only harmful to the person being targeted but also creates a dangerous and unsupportive environment. It is crucial that we recognize the gravity of these actions and work to create a culture of kindness and empathy, where individuals are encouraged to seek help and support when struggling with mental health issues

Another one of Dan’s ex-friends:



Dan doxxed Zrcalo before he had a kiwi thread. He didn’t have a kiwi thread until January 2022 and Dan doxxed him in June 2021.

Also since you “feel very badly about it” Dan, “boo fucking hoo” and “cry me a river” doesn’t sound very sorry. Dan doesn’t care about other people, she does things so she looks better.

This connects back to how she admitted that if she ever got caught up in drama, she would pretend to be remorseful. Case in point.

The fact that Dan's response to being called out for her behavior was dismissive and lacked any genuine remorse is alarming. It is unacceptable to downplay the seriousness of one's actions and to refuse to take responsibility for the harm caused.

Moreover, doxing an individual's landlord can also put the individual at risk of losing their housing and create a host of other related problems. This kind of behavior is deeply concerning and highlights the need for individuals to take responsibility for their actions and to recognize the harm that they can cause.

The doc in the doxbin links back to Dan’s queerocynical identity. The same email Dan admitted was hers.

Lss has also revealed access to the queerocynical account:

This doxbin also had contact info and the dox of his landlord. This was a blatantly obvious attempt at dehoming zrcalo.

Dan has repeatedly targeted mentally ill children. Here is one case where she bullied one into deactivating:

Dan is also very open about this, she doesn’t care how young someone is, she will harass them anyways. It is the responsibility of adults to protect children from cyberbullying, and to teach them about responsible online behavior. By openly admitting to cyberbullying children, Dan is setting a harmful example and contributing to a culture of online harassment. Children who are victims of cyberbullying can experience anxiety, depression, and social isolation, and may even develop post-traumatic stress disorder. It can also affect their academic performance, as well as their relationships with family and friends.

Dan worked with Oliver and Shasha to SWAT someone and get them kicked out of their home

Oliver is a pedophile and a self proclaimed zoosadist.


Dan defending Oliver:

Dan even invited Oliver into her server with a lot of minors:

Shasha is an 18 year old who has dated two 13 year olds. He claims it’s ok because he thought they were 14.

Shasha's behavior is not okay, regardless of his intentions. Dating someone who is significantly younger than you can be harmful, especially when the younger person is a minor. In most countries, there are laws that specify the minimum age at which a person can legally consent to sexual activity. Even if Shasha thought the 13-year-olds were 14, they are still below the age of consent in most countries, which means that any sexual activity with them would be considered illegal.

Moreover, there is a power imbalance in relationships where one person is significantly older than the other, especially if one person is a minor. The older person may have more experience, knowledge, and social influence, which can make it difficult for the younger person to make informed decisions about their relationship. This can lead to manipulation, coercion, or even abuse.

Additionally, relationships between someone who is 18 and someone who is 13 can have long-term consequences for both parties. The younger person may experience trauma or have difficulties with their mental health as they grow older. Meanwhile, the older person may face legal consequences, social stigma, or even criminal charges.

In conclusion, Shasha's behavior is not acceptable, and he should not pursue romantic relationships with individuals who are significantly younger than him. It is important to prioritize the well-being and safety of all parties involved in any relationship, and to respect the laws and social norms that govern appropriate behavior.

Moreover, Shasha's decision to break up with the younger person out of fear of being seen as a pedophile suggests that he was aware of the power imbalance in their relationship and the potential harm that it could cause. However, his justification that it was "technically legal" indicates a lack of understanding or disregard for the potential emotional and psychological harm that could result from such a relationship.

It is important to remember that individuals under the age of 18 are still developing emotionally and mentally, and may not have the necessary life experience or maturity to make informed decisions about their relationships. Pursuing romantic or sexual relationships with individuals significantly younger than oneself can be harmful and even abusive, as it may involve manipulation, coercion, or exploitation.

In conclusion, Shasha's behavior raises concerns about his understanding of appropriate relationships and consent. It is important to prioritize the safety and well-being of all parties involved in any relationship, and to avoid engaging in behavior that may be harmful or abusive.


Dan claimed she didn’t have a part in the swatting, but she said it was “deserved”.

Swatting video: https://youtu.be/gMh6X7wtoag 

Shasha claiming responsibility: https://archive.is/jTrtn 

Dan liked comments insinuating that she wanted to see someone raped

More harassment (making fun of someone for being scared of being swatted) and victim blaming (“you trusted your abuser”):

Harassment and victim-blaming are both harmful behaviors that can cause emotional and psychological harm to the victim. Making fun of someone for being scared of being swatted is not only insensitive but also encourages a culture of harassment and bullying. Victims of swatting, or any other form of harassment, have the right to feel safe and protected, and should not be mocked or belittled for expressing their fears.

Moreover, victim-blaming is never acceptable. No one deserves to be abused or harassed, regardless of their choices or behavior. Blaming the victim for trusting their abuser is a form of gaslighting that seeks to minimize the responsibility of the abuser and place the burden of responsibility on the victim.

It is important to remember that victims of abuse and harassment often struggle with feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame, and may find it difficult to speak out or seek help. By blaming the victim or making fun of their fears, we contribute to a culture of silence and shame, and make it more difficult for victims to come forward and seek support.

In conclusion, harassment and victim-blaming are both harmful behaviors that have no place in a healthy and respectful community. It is important to support and validate victims of harassment and abuse, and to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. We should strive to create a culture of empathy, compassion, and understanding, where victims feel safe and supported to speak out and seek help


She told people spreading the evidence about her actions to kill themself

Another victim of Dan

Dan’s doxxing


In reference to Dan saying “baiting doesn’t create victims”;

Dan had a 15 year old bait a pedophile. She even said the 15 year old’s purpose was to “bait pedophiles into showing [their] predatory behavior”. Dan legitimately sent out a 15 year old to get traumatized and possibly groomed in exchange for Dan getting evidence for more clout chasing call out tweets.

Dan's actions in this situation are extremely concerning and potentially illegal. It is not appropriate for an adult to send a minor to engage in behavior that could put them in harm's way, even if the intention is to catch a predator. Additionally, using someone else's trauma for personal gain or clout is exploitative and unethical. This behavior can cause significant harm to the individual who is being used as bait and may have long-term consequences for their mental health and well-being. It is important to prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals involved and to seek professional support if necessary.

Dan now openly says she wants to see kids kill themselves and she wants them to record it…


More recently, Dan has sent her audience to harass someone she believes to be a zoosadist, a pedophile, and a groomer. If she believes someone is so dangerous, why would she send 14 year olds to interact with them?

Sending a group of individuals, particularly minors, to engage with someone who has been accused of such heinous acts could lead to physical and emotional harm for both the individuals and the accused. It can also create an unsafe and potentially dangerous environment for all involved.

As you can see, Dan sends only her best minors /sar

She is aware that this is harmful as seen below:

More of Dan’s doxxing:

“I’m showing that u don’t like pedophiles and zoophiles and leaking your address”


Making fun of one of her victims’ childhood sexual abuse:

this behavior is extremely inappropriate and harmful. Survivors of childhood sexual abuse often suffer from long-lasting psychological and emotional trauma, and making fun of their experiences can exacerbate their pain and cause further harm.

Furthermore, as a public figure with a large audience, Dan has a responsibility to act with empathy and sensitivity towards all individuals, particularly those who have experienced trauma or victimization. Making fun of someone's experiences, especially those that involve trauma, is never an acceptable behavior.

If you go against Dan, she tells you to kys and calls you a pedo, this is the same thing she did to Jeremiah that is explained above. Dan has a tendency to make outrageous claims that go unquestioned.

More of Dan telling people to kill themself:






Paraphilia and art related evidence

Saying she has no problem with Zoophilia: https://archive.ph/MijJw

Dan defending feral art

Dan thinks it’s a “gotcha” because we do not have proof of her ever drawing proship art, I do not believe that Dan has ever drawn anything that could be considered proship. But she obviously is still proship because she has advocated for it repeatedly.

It is important to separate one's actions from their beliefs. While there may not be proof that Dan has ever drawn proship art, if she has repeatedly advocated for it, this suggests that she holds proship beliefs.


Zoophilia DMs

These are Dan’s dms (Dan is purple)

She claims she was “baiting”, but this is not baiting. This was an open zoo who publicly posted porn and nsfw on twitter, they were openly a pedophile and a zoo. There was nothing to bait.


This account also predates Dan running the ZoophileStruggs account.

Dan didn’t “reveal” it was a “bait” until after it was called out and she was attacked for it.

(Nsfw images are censored)

When confronted with a screenshot of her saying it was a “guilty pleasure”, she denied it was her.



She admitted it was her but says it was “bait”

Dan initially denied that she made a statement, this suggests a lack of accountability and a willingness to deceive others in order to avoid being held responsible for her actions.

She has advocated for peppa pig porn

Peppa pig is FOUR YEARS OLD

More of Dan advocating for feral art

Proving the proship dms were mouse aka Dan:

(These were all dms that Dan had with a minor)

Signed off mouse here:

Dan talks about her art style here, she was the only artist on the account.

Dan also has:

-Downplayed zoosadism

-Downplayed Kero the Wolf’s atrocities

-Defended a zoosadist repeatedly (Oliver)

Dan has also had some strange takes on zoosadism and even knows a weird amount of things about how animals react to it…

Makes you think

Dan also hates Akela a lot. Akela aka zoodonym was the person who leaked the 2018 zoosadist logs. More info found at https://t.me/s/zsis_official 

Dan said not to report zoosadists if they’re ashamed of their actions.

She also said “if it’s someone who isn’t acting”… She doesn’t say anything about the past tense…

She only cares about current actions, Dan doesn’t care about thoughts or past actions, this explains why she decided to support Oliver.

 Dan has suggested not reporting zoosadists if they are ashamed of their actions or only cares about current actions and not past actions, this is a concerning attitude towards the issue of zoosadism. Reporting abusive behavior, regardless of whether the individual is ashamed or not, is an important step towards preventing further harm and protecting animals from exploitation and abuse.

Similarly, individuals who have engaged in zoosadism in the past or have had thoughts about engaging in this behavior should be held accountable for their actions and provided with the support and resources needed to prevent them from engaging in harmful behavior in the future.

Supporting individuals who have engaged in zoosadism, as in the case of Oliver, is not an appropriate response to the issue of zoosadism. Instead, it is important to hold individuals accountable for their actions and work towards creating a safe and respectful environment for all individuals, both human and non-human.

When confronted with how she was supporting someone who wants to kill animals and normalize zoosadism, Dan said “cry about it”.

Adding on to the last part:

Some weird opinions on consent and more talk about how animals react to abuse. Even saying “a child can initiate sex”?? To her credit, she acknowledges that it still would not be considered consent, but it is a harmful to hold the belief that a child can initiate. Holding the belief that a child can initiate sexual behavior with an adult can contribute to the normalization of child sexual abuse and can harm children by perpetuating harmful myths and misconceptions about consent and sexual behavior. It is important to educate individuals about the importance of age-appropriate boundaries and to support children in understanding their rights to safety and bodily autonomy.

Consent is not built off of legality, basing it off of legality like what Dan does here shows that she believes that if it was legal there would be no problems.

consent is not solely based on legality. While laws can help establish guidelines for appropriate behavior and consequences for violations, they do not necessarily reflect ethical or moral standards.

Consent is an important ethical principle that requires all parties involved to willingly and enthusiastically participate in a given activity without coercion, manipulation, or deception. It requires all parties to be fully informed about the activity and its potential risks and benefits, and to be able to freely and actively communicate their desires and boundaries.

When someone like Dan bases their understanding of consent solely on legality, they may overlook situations where coercion, manipulation, or power dynamics play a role in determining someone's ability to give meaningful consent. This can lead to a lack of understanding about the complex nature of consent and can contribute to harmful behavior and attitudes towards issues such as sexual assault and abuse.

Part of consent is knowing that it can be revoked at any time.

Kids and Animals can’t understand consent and therefore cannot consent. It has nothing to do with law.

For example, a corpse cannot give or revoke consent because they are no longer able to actively communicate or participate in any activity. Consent requires ongoing communication and active participation from all parties involved, and a corpse cannot provide that.

It is important to understand that consent is not just about getting permission for a specific activity or behavior, but about ongoing communication and mutual respect between all parties involved. Consent can be withdrawn at any time, and all parties involved should be aware of this and respect each other's boundaries

More of Dan’s logs (in purple)

This account dates back to before Dan was mouse mod. These were also open zoos and pedos that posted porn publicly.


Dan says she was baiting, but if you look at who she was talking to, it is very clearly NOT BAIT! They were prominent members of the zoo community and there was nothing to gain from this. She denied it repeatedly until she was outed, she then leaked her own dms to save face.

She admitted it was a guilty pleasure^

More of Dan supporting feral and other proship art

Dan hurt a lot of minors and even distributed zoo porn and csem. She claims she was underage but she was an adult for the majority of it. She was also told multiple times to stop and she was told how harmful it was but she continued anyways.

She claims she was a minor, but she was 18 for most of it: she was an adult (18+) for all of the following

The fact that Dan continued to engage in this harmful behavior despite being told to stop is unacceptable and raises serious questions about her values and priorities

She was an adult for all of the above


Calling a groomed minor a pedophile’s “underaged plaything”… this is so so so disgusting

It is extremely inappropriate and harmful language to use when referring to a groomed minor. It not only belittles the trauma and harm that the minor has experienced, but also perpetuates the harmful notion that minors are somehow complicit in their own abuse.

This is honestly so disgusting.

Why would you call someone who you say is a groomed kid an “underaged plaything” of a pedophile??? That is so fucking disgusting.

Dan was confronted by her friends and another mod of Lss. They both agree that this is disgusting behavior.

After this, Dan messaged Dog (the same minor who she called an “underage plaything”) and told him to kill himself:

Dan had a server full of minors where they shared links to bestiality pornography and csem, she admits that it was owned by minors.

she spread links to bestiality and csem:

Keep in mind that Dan believes that censored and uncensored porn are the “same shit”:

It is important to note that such a statement is highly problematic and dismissive of the harms caused by viewing and distributing. Censored or not, the possession and distribution is illegal and causes severe harm to the all involved in its production. By equating censored and uncensored pornography, Dan trivializes the severity and perpetuates harmful attitudes towards the victims.

Dan’s friend and mod-partner even encouraged a 15 year old to interact with the account:

Another minor affected by Dan:

Laughing at how she’s sending minors to zoos:

Dan claims that this was not intentional, the following screenshots disprove this:

Once again acknowledging her minor following:

Dan has acknowledged many times that she was utilizing minors, even DIRECTLY linking a distribution account TO A 13 YEAR OLD


Proof they were 13: https://archive.ph/qMsSR

She even was gloating about sending kids to Zoophiles

She claims she did not check the ages, but she is a hypocrite, she said it is your responsibility to check for ages (rules for thee but not for me)

Another minor who was affected by Dan:

This is the activity that occurred and the trauma that was caused in her discord servers.

Bingle (the 15 year old) was the owner of ZST’s reporting server. The one responsible for so much damage to so many children. Dan just let it all happen. Making fun of anyone telling her that it’s dangerous or a bad idea. Here is a dump of minor’s who were affected and other server related evidence:

Bingle (aka camillademon - 15 year old) being in the mod chat of a server with bestiality and links to csem.

"kids downloading bestiality porn and react to it"

»Dan: lmao if I'm famous cool.

Screenshot one: Dan sending people to crush (Dan was 18, the person she’s talking to was 16 at the time) July 16th 2021

Two screenshots below: Testimony from the minor Dan worked very closely with in 2021. This person was 16 at the time. Dan knew they were a minor. They were sent bestiality and had to deal with it while working with Dan. Dan did nothing to stop them and even encouraged it.

A 14yo affected by Dan:

Dan worked with this 15 year old.

This kid was exposed to beast porn. Bingle’s age was very well known.

To verify that this is Dan sending minors to animal crush porn:

Dan sending kids to crush porn

(Dan was 18, the person she’s talking to was 16 at the time) July 16th 2021

The discord ID is: 600329526429483018 which matches Dan’s ‘D0llz’ account

Archived thread between Dan and the victim:


Dan claims to have been a minor at the time, in July 2021 Dan was 18. She constantly lies about her age. She was born on April 20th.

Another one of many minors affected by Dan.

This was common back when Dan was in charge.

This minor worked with Dan for months:

Dan’s actions resulted in kids getting spammed with beast porn:

When the victim came out about it (they were 16 at the time they were friends with Dan) they were harassed by Dan and her friends.


Dan and her friends than tried to shift blame and started attacking the victim:


Screenshots from her discord server, these screenshots were taken by a openly known 13 year old (they were allowed into all of this, everyone knew they were a minor):

Dan even acknowledged that she was distributing:

She claims that she knows better and that she learned, but here she is supporting the same thing. And lying about it even MORE.

She even claimed the account was to “warn kids”, throwing away the excuse that she didn’t know their ages

Dan’s friend’s and the mistreatment of grooming victims

Dan’s friend and the hysteria she created resulted in the death of a groomed 15 year old.

Thread here: https://web.archive.org/web/20230301093023/https://twitter.com/throwaway5737/status/1630710617609998336

This isn’t new behavior for Dan’s group. They do not care about grooming victims and even blame them and tell them “just get better parents”. This is textbook victim blaming.

They even have gone so far as to say we “can’t feel any sympathy for them”:

Funny how Dan said this herself:

Let’s meet another one of Dan’s friends:

Of course, he is transphobic.

And… his art:

(HIGHLY NSFW AND 18+ ONLY, TRIGGER WARNING Nazi Art, Rape Art, Zoophilia Art, Feral Gore Art) https://t.me/s/mottenfest 

As you can tell, he is one lovely fellow (Sarcasm).

Another one of her old pals, Mister Trigger.

Mister Trigger was her main ally in 2021, he was and still is a transphobic kiwifarmer:

She still retweets his clips:

In his pinned tweet, even to this day he supports kiwifarms:

Even blatantly misgendering by calling keffals “he”:

Another one of Dan’s friends, Dia Arazkus, has given Dan $4,000 and is the boyfriend of coyote lovely.

Dia, just like coyote, doesn’t care about grooming victims. He tried to get a 15 year old to kill himself.

Dan stands by all of these abusive and dangerous people:

She uses the “victim” label as a shield for criticism.

Oliver is a pedophile, Coyote was exposed for trying to date a Zoopedo Hypnotist Sappho, IcyDude wasn’t doxxed - he posted his name publicly on Twitter, motten is a nazi and a liar, nat was pressure by motten to lie.

Dan is a liar, she claims all of her victims are liars, she attacks anyone who speaks out against her, she sends a mob of people to harass any detractors.

She uses Zrcalo as a shield to lie and avoid accountability. I don’t know why it’s so controversial to say “both people are bad”.


All videos and files that can not be uploaded to google docs are compiled in the sister documentation: https://t.me/s/AndientArt (follows the same screenshots as this document, the channel has more proof)

After all of that, can you believe that Dan had the gall to say that she doesn’t have victims?

It is important to recognize the harm that Dan's actions have caused, particularly to minors who were exposed to illegal and harmful content on her servers. Dan's behavior also contributes to a larger societal issue of normalizing and justifying sexual abuse and exploitation.

While some may argue that Dan's behavior is a result of mental health issues or a traumatic past, it is not an excuse for engaging in harmful and illegal behavior. It is also concerning that Dan continues to have a large online platform and following, which can perpetuate harmful beliefs and behaviors.

Second, her actions can create a toxic and unsafe online environment. By promoting harmful behavior and attacking those who question her beliefs, she can create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Third, Dan's behavior can contribute to the stigmatization and marginalization of individuals who have experienced sexual trauma. By making light of sexual abuse and victim blaming, she can make it more difficult for survivors to come forward and seek help.

She creates an environment of fear and intimidation that can silence opposing voices and suppress free speech. This can limit public debate and ultimately hinder social progress and change.

Moreover, Dan's actions can also have a harmful impact on mental health and well-being, especially for her victims. Her attacks and harassment can cause significant emotional distress and trauma, which can affect their mental health and quality of life..

Overall, Dan's actions are not only harmful to individuals but also to society as a whole. It is important to recognize and address this behavior to prevent further harm.

Additionally, Dan's actions have a ripple effect, as her followers and supporters may also engage in similar behavior, leading to a larger problem. Allowing her to continue without consequences sends the message that such behavior is acceptable and can lead to more harm in the future.

Holding Dan accountable also serves as a way to provide justice for her victims and survivors. It acknowledges the harm that she has caused and sends the message that such actions will not be tolerated. It also serves as a deterrent to others who may engage in similar behavior, as they will see the consequences that come with such actions.

There could be various reasons why Dan may want to avoid accountability. One reason could be a fear of consequences, such as legal repercussions, social ostracization, or loss of followers and revenue. Another reason could be a desire to protect their reputation and public image. Additionally, there may be a sense of shame or guilt associated with their actions, which they may find difficult to confront and accept.

There are several things we can do to help prevent harm and hold Dan accountable:

It's important to remember that holding Dan accountable is not about attacking or harassing her, but about preventing harm and promoting safety and well-being for all.